Oct 29 – Free COVID Vaccinations for Ages 12 and older

Free COVID vaccinations to our students age 12 and up on Friday, 10/29/21 with the second shot given on Friday, 11/12/21.

Location: San Ysidro Health Clinic will be on campus to administer the Pfizer Vaccine. Please fill out the English or Spanish consent form and have your student turn it in to Ms. Lourdes Banuelos in the main office. You may also email it to lourdes.banuelos@sweetwaterschools.org. In addition, students can pick up a hard copy of the consent form at the Nurse’s office. Once the consent form is turned in, we will schedule a time to call your student out of class to get the shot on 10/29/21. There are limited spaces so please submit the consent form as soon as possible.

Pfizer Fact Sheet