

Attendance for Success – Receive information on what qualifies as an absence and what can be excused as well as the connection between attendance and being successful in school

Report an Absence: Click here to complete the Form (English)

Recover Attendance by attending Saturday Academy: See the Calendar Information:

REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED BY LAW and according to the SUHSD policy Regulation code AR 5113 (D,E), it has been established that it is reasonable to be absent 1 day a month (equivalent to 7 days per semester or 14 days in a school year). Having more than 7 days in a semester or 14 days (excused absences) in the school year may place your student under an “Excessive Excused Absence Contract.” It is the parents’/guardians’ responsibility to maintain a current record of the child’s attendance.

Call the attendance office at (619) 498-6810 for assistance/information.

If a student is absent 14, or more excused days, the following measure may/will apply:

  1.   Contact by an Assistant Principal or Attendance Coordinator
  2.   Excessive Excused Absence Contract
  3.   Probation Officer Referral, and Referred to Saturday School
  4.   If contract is not followed: SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) hearing held at the district.
  5.   Change School Placement

 Excused Absences and Tardies

All absences must be excused by a phone call or online via our school’s website (see link below), from a parent or caregiver. Parents will need to provide a doctor’s note due to medical appointments. Students with attendance records showing truancy will be subject to mandatory Saturday Academy. FIVE tardies per semester are considered excessive and WILL affect a citizenship grade. An automated phone system will call the home each evening if the student is absent from any period. All excused absences MUST be recovered by attending Saturday Academies. Excused absences prevent a student from earning perfect attendance.

Off Campuses

The office will not accept off campus requests over the phone or by note.  You must come to the attendance office to check a student out.  An off campus slip needs to be filled out, and a picture ID is required. The legal name must match the name we have listed in Infinite Campus.  Students will not be released to anyone who is not listed on their Infinite Campus account, or anyone under the age of 18.

Students are not allowed to wait in the office for their parent/guardian to pick up (unless in the nurse’s office for medical reasons).  Once the ID is checked, and the off campus slip is filled out, we will notify the student to come to the office.  This process may take up to 15-20 minutes, so please plan accordingly.

Please note:  Our cut off time for off campuses is 25 minutes prior to the end of the school day.  Monday-Thursday 2:45 p.m., and Fridays 1:00 p.m.

 Independent Study

Your student is eligible for an Independent Study Contract if they will be absent no less than 5 days and a maximum of 15 days.  We require at least 1 week in advance notice. Please see the Attendance Coordinator to obtain a contract. The student is responsible for completing their school work assigned by the teacher while they’re gone.  The student must check in with the Attendance Technician upon return from their absence. The Attendance Technician will make copies of their work for the attendance credit.
