Club TC – After School Program
Club TC – After School Program

Club TC: The Before and After School Program
Click on button to complete the Interest Form

Click on the Club TC TV button to view all the awesome videos our students are creating.

Club TC Meeting Slides
Club TC is the free before and after school program that offers a wealth of enrichment opportunities in a safe and secure setting with a fun and talented staff. We offer a variety of fun enrichment classes, sports, and homework assistance. Our goal is to have fun and support our students and parents each day before and after school. We are open each day before school and after school until 6:15pm. Space is limited so sign up early with the Pre-enrollment link. All parents who fill out the Pre-enrollment link will receive an email from (CitySpan) asking to complete the full online registration for the program. CLUB TC’s academic hour offers an opportunity for students to complete assignments before moving on to an afternoon of programming all over campus which varies from gardening, to ceramics, DJ club, and more.
The competition programs at Club TC are also free to join and consistently perform at high levels district-wide; many of these programs are linked to Chula Vista High School and prepare students for success in extra-curricular high school activities with award winning cheer squads, dance teams, too many different sports to list here, and beyond.
Programs are driven by student interests and offer cavaliers an opportunity to be leaders on campus and in the community. More than a third of cavaliers stay after school to learn, play, grow, and make lasting friendships in a safe, free, and productive program that adds to the already robust offerings at Chula Vista Middle School with Club TC.
Fill out Club TC’s Interest Form to save your spot in the program! Pre-Enrollment Link:

Program Hours & Options:
AM: 6:45am – 8:15am (Mon. – Fri.)
Options: Power Team Work Out
Game Room Fun
Black Top Sports
PM: 3:15pm – 6:15pm (Mon. – Thurs.)
1:25pm – 6:15pm (Fri.)
Options: Farm Fresh
Game Room Fun
Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Softball,
Club TC Productions
…..and more
For more information contact:
Club TC Coordinator: Ms. Bishop
Club TC Supervisor: Coach Marco Rey