Health Office
Health Office

Message from the Nurse
Communication: Students should have at least two contact phone numbers, in case of emergencies or student illness. A LOCAL NUMBER IS REQUIRED to be used in case a parent cannot be reached. Students should communicate illness and injury to a school staff, rather than use cell phones to call parents during school hours.
Access to Health Office: A credentialed school nurse is generally available every day during school hours. All students with injuries or illnesses must have a pass from the teacher/staff member. Please keep students who are sick, or possibly contagious with rashes, fevers or pinkeye, at home. The nurse is available for consultation for students with chronic health conditions and/or attendance problems due to frequent illnesses.
Immunizations: All 7th graders must have completes a series of three Hepatitis B shots, two MMR shots, and Pertusis
Medications: Students are prohibited from carrying any medications-even Tylenol and over the counter medications. District policy and California law requires, if a student must take ANY medicine during the school day, proper forms are to be completed by parents and the doctor. Only U.S. prescriptions by U.S. doctors may be dispensed at school. Parents must provide the medicine in the prescribed container with instructions for dispensing. No student should carry medicine at any time, except an inhaler, with doctor’s permission. A copy of the medication authorization can be faxed to the student’s physician (see attachment).

For more information contact the school nurse, Ron Kovacs, at: 498-6808; fax 427-5723.
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