Options for Registration Assistance:
PARENTS of NEW STUDENTS (7th or 8th grade) to CVM
Chula Vista Middle needs your 6th or 7th grader’s current student information (e.i. current school, parent contact and address) to generate a GUID number (Activation Key).
Parents are not able to access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to register their student(s) online without a GUID number (Activation Key). Due to the COVID-19 situation, all registration for the 2020-2021 can only be made online and not in person.
Follow the Instructions Below to Enroll New Students:
- STEP 1: SComplete the NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT FORM(NSEF) to receive Activation key letter for Online Registration
- Another option is to complete the New Student Enrollment Form and email the completed form to nancy.hiller@sweetwaterschools.org.
- The activation key will be emailed to you after completing the New Student Enrollment Form
- STEP 2 Use the Activation key and Follow the Step by step instructions on how to complete the Online Registration. ————-
- STEP 3 Complete the Student Registration Packet
Padres de estudiantes del 7º grado,
La ventana de inscripción en línea para el año escolar 2020-2021 ya está abierta. Favor de iniciar su sesión en la pagina campusportal.sweetwaterschools.org envíe sus solicitudes para inscribirse o sus solicitudes para una transferencia de zona escolar lo antes posible. Si su alumno es nuevo al distrito de SUHSD, va a necesitar una clave de activación para obtener acceso al portal de padres en Infinite Campus. No podrá obtener acceso sin una clave de activación.
Para obtener una clave de activación, deberá seguir el siguiente enlace: Séptimo Grado
FAQ for 20-21 Registration: Click on this link for more Details (English/Spanish)