Site Plan Summary

Site Plan Summary

School Site Plan Summary

What is the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)?

The SPSA is a blueprint to improve the academic performance of all students as measured by both the Academic Performance Index (API) and the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measures.  The purpose of the SPSA is to coordinate all educational services at the school. The SPSA shall, at a minimum, address how categorical funds  (including Title 1 and Economic Impact Aid EL/SCE) provided to the school will be used to improve the academic performance of all pupils.  The SPSA must integrate the purposes and requirements of all state and federal categorical programs in which the school participates.

The SPSA serves as the organizer for an individual school’s improvement process. The plan should be developed with a deep understanding of the root causes of student academic challenges, and identify and implement research-based instructional strategies to raise the achievement of students who are not yet proficient.

Please click on the link below for Chula Vista Middle’s SPSA:

*Please remember that the SPSA is a living document and may be revised periodically.

Parent Input into the Single Plan for Student Achievement (Site Plan)

If you have have questions, input, and/or suggestions on our SPSA, please contact Dr. Ivette Sanchez, Targeted Support and Monitoring Resource Teachers or complete the Input Sheet below and email to Dr. Sanchez:

Parent Input into the Single Plan for Student Achievement

Link to the Single Plan for Student Achievement

CVM Site Plan at a Glance English