Parent Resources

Parent Resources


If you are unsure of the email submitted to our school, please email the our registrar, Nancy Hiller at to provide this information.

Essential Information:

  1. After School Tutoring Schedule
  2. Intradistrict Transfers
  3. Importance Information Regarding Attendance

Coffee with the Principal Presentations

1. TBA

Technology Support

  1. Parent Log in for Jupiter Ed
  2. Parent Log in for Infinite Campus
  3. iPad Technology Tips for Parents
  4. Reporting Issues with the iPad or Application 

How to Support my Child with Google Classroom:

Spanish Tutorial: The YouTube video “Google Classroom. 

English Tutorial: The YouTube video “Google Classroom 

Below you will also find useful information about college, health, and safety. Please click on the images below to be redirected to websites.

College Board is a site where you can get information about college for your students.

Kids Health is a site where you will be able to find information on healthy choices for you family.

Ready San Diego Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed.

Ready San Diego is a website dedicated on safety.