Welcome To Chula Vista Middle School
School News
Future Cavalier Information Night
March 1 – Spanish Placement Test
Click on Image to Take Placement Test
Welcome to CVM
Welcome to THE first middle school established in the city of Chula Vista!
Chula Vista Middle School (CVM) is a comprehensive site that also serves as a School of the Creative and Performing Arts! We offer a unique blend of Music, Dance, Visual Art, and Drama classes as part of our general program. Research shows that engaging in the Visual and Performing Arts helps the brain decode reading, generates connections and enhances vocabulary development. At CVM, students will engage in meaningful lessons and activities that will not only grow their content knowledge but also develop critical thinking skills to cultivate them into outstanding students, compassionate friends and inspiring leaders. Our focus is to build each of our students to success so that they have only the best options ahead of them! The path to appreciating the Arts and being college and career ready starts with us!
Did you know that Chula Vista Middle was recognized by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for excellence in CARE network?
Cavaliers Featured on 10 News for Veloyouth program
Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday
School Contact
415 Fifth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Phone: (619) 498-6800
Fax: (619) 498-6836
Every Monday, Ms. Bumatay will provide an overview of essential information for the week.
Check out Ms. Bumatay’s Bulletin for all the details.
Rise Up Friday Schedule: TBD